Monday, October 20, 2008

We're Off to Camp!!

Tomorrow we leave for our camp at Hunua Falls! This morning we are reading through the final edition of the Camp Countdown and checking our gear list so that we know exactly what we need to prepare.

We're going to have a great time and lots of memorable experiences that we can tell you about when we get back.

We thought our parents and friends might like to read a farewell message from each of us, so here they are:

I will miss you all. Yonata, please don't touch my stuff. Ryan, have fun in America. See you when you get back. Yabesira, have a happy birthday on Wednesday! - Tommy

Don't worry Mum and Dad, I'll be safe with all my friends around me. - Abril

Don't worry too much Mum. Grace, don't use my darts without me. - Jay

I will miss you all. Thanks for looking after Sam, Mum. - Kartarina

I'll miss you all. Remember to feed the cat. - Ben

I'll miss you. Say hello to aunty Julie for me. - Abbey

Dear Mum and Dad, I'll miss the food you make. - Alice

I will miss you guys but don't worry because I'll be having fun. - Kavannaugh

I'll miss you mum. - Stephen

I'll miss you Mum and Dad and Hao and baby brother. - Kuan

I'll miss you all but don't worry I'll be safe even though I'm a bit nervous. - Sara

Dear Mum and Dad, I'll miss you lots. Take care of Champ for me. - Jasmika

I'll miss you all. Be safe at home. - Rebecca

Wish you were here. See you all on Friday. - Michelle

I will miss you all but don't worry too much. - Catherine

I'll miss you all, especially Daniel. - Dominic

Mum, pray for me. - Arian

Happy birthday Dad. I hope you have a nice night. - Judy

I will miss you all but don't worry, I will have a lot of fun. - Stacey

Dear Mum and Dad, don't get too sad! I'll miss you both. - Dylan

I hope Angela doesn't bug you too much while I'm gone. - Charlie

Dear Mum, hope Brian doesn't bug you too much. - James

Mum, I hope you have a great time in Australia. - Neesha

Bye, I'm off to camp. I'll miss you. - Reuben

Dad, I hope you have a great time with Josh. - Emma

Dad, I hope you have a good time in China when I'm at camp. Mum, I hope you have a great time with Rodney and Leo. - William

Hayden and Tom, take care. See you on Friday after school. - Charlotte/Mum

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