Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dominic's Variation's key

Sara fortunately unfortunately

It was a beautiful Christmas night

Fortunately the Santa Claus came.
Unfortunately we didn’t hear him coming.

Fortunately we found presents under the Christmas tree.
Unfortunately they were empty.

Fortunately he came from the chimney.
Unfortunately he got stuck in it.

Fortunately mum and dad helped him.
Unfortunately he was too fat.

Fortunately dad built a treadmill in the chimney.
Unfortunately it didn’t work.

Fortunately dad gave him weights to lift.
Unfortunately his tummy got lighter but his hand muscles were too big.

Fortunately dad gave him food so he would put on weight.
Unfortunately the chimney exploded because of his fat muscles and tummy.

Fortunately he got in.
But Unfortunately in the fire.


Stephen's variation key

Tommy's reverse key

The Reverse Key


Planet Mars

World War 1 & 2




7 million dollars in cash

Bunk bed

Automatic nose picker

Ray gun

By Tommy

Ben's reverse key

The reverse key



Sky tower


Fairy tails

Grave yard


Ray gun


99 billion dollars in cash

Friday, November 28, 2008


It was a beautiful Christmas night

Fortunately the Santa Claus came.
Unfortunately we didn’t hear him coming.

Fortunately we found presents under the Christmas tree.
Unfortunately they were empty.

Fortunately he came from the chimney.
Unfortunately he got stuck in it.

Fortunately mum and dad helped him.
Unfortunately he was too fat.

Fortunately dad built a treadmill in the chimney.
Unfortunately it didn’t work.

Fortunately dad gave him weights to lift.
Unfortunately his tummy got lighter but his hand muscles were too big.

Fortunately dad gave him food so he would put on weight.
Unfortunately the chimney exploded because of his fat muscles and tummy.

Fortunately he got in.
But Unfortunately in the fire.


Fortunately, Unfortunately

Fortunately I woke up and realised it was my birthday.
Unfortunately I had the dates wrong it was my brothers birthday.

Fortunately there were still heaps of presents.
Unfortunately they weren’t for me.

Fortunately I found a present with my name on it - yay!
Unfortunately it was my birthday present so I had to wait until next year to open it!

Fortunately the present opening was over!
Unfortunately they had only opened my mum so Josh had heaps more to open.

Fortunately it was only a dream!

By Emma

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Performing at the Town Hall

How it felt to perform in front of hundreds of people:

- fun! -Abril
- I felt nervous -Charlie
- I was nervous at first, but then I became used to it -Neesha
- I had butterflies -Tommy
- it was exciting -Rebecca
- normal, because I often dance in front of big audiences -Cecilia
- weird, because there were so many people in the audience and on stage -Alice
- sitting on the stage I felt nervous, but when I sang it was exciting -Stacey
- I felt happy -Emma
- I felt good about myself because I've never performed in front of a crowd before -Jasmika
- I was really happy -Catherine

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Senior choir

On Tuesday night the senior choir members did themselves proud with a marvellous show at the Auckland Town Hall.

There was a great range of songs, and some very clever instrumental performances and dances. It's hard to pick favourites, but the highlight for me was the song Adiemus. The Sunnybrae children kept up their enthusiastic singing throughout the performance. I'm sure that the friends and family members who attended would have been thoroughly impressed.

How did it feel to be on stage in front of such a big crowd?

Have you met the Raylettes?

I wonder if the Ray Charles medley would have been quite so fabulous without the talent of these guest back-up vocalists?!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Keep Going to Camp

Dear Mrs Stewart and Board of Trustees,

Sunnybrae seniors should keep going to Hunua Falls camp. Camp is a great experience and we should keep going because in the future all the other kids can go as well.

We get to eat with all of our freinds and eat cool food. We can sleep with our friends, hike in the bush, and do other cool things. We get to do archery and bivouac building which we can't do at school becuase we don't have a lot of bush.


From Charlie


Dear Mrs Stewart and the Board of Trustees,

I think Sunnybrae should keep camp.
Camp is a great experience for senior syndicate students. It's fun and enjoyable because you get to learn heaps about the outdoors. It's fun on the tramp because we sometimes stop and look at the beautiful scenery.
It's important for children to exercise because then their body works better and camp is a great way to exercise.
I enjoyed archery because it is something that I have never done before, so you do a lot of things that you never would have done at school or at home. Camp is really F-U-N! I am sure the next senior syndicate will really enjoy it!!


From Emma

Keep Camp!!!

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Dear Mrs Stewart and Board of Trustees,

I think that Sunnybrae should keep camp.

It is a fun experience for children to do different things with others. We would never be able to do archery at school because of the price of the equipment. It's important for children to have time away from home. When you are away you learn how to live with others.
You learn to not use much water when you have 3 minute showers. When it is a rainy day you can clean your cabin or do any inside activities like darts.

From Kavannaugh

Why Keep Camp?

Dear Mrs Stewart and Board of Trustees

I think that we should keep going to Hunua Falls camp because we can't do archery at Sunnybrae because we don't have bows and arrows.

It's important for children to have time away from home and family. When you're away you get to learn more things at camp, like to look at little creatures in the water and get to know their names.

Camp is the most fun senior syndicate experience!

From Abril

Keep Camp!

Dear Mrs Stewart and Board of Trustees,

I think that Sunnybrae should keep camp. Camp is very fun, because we have different activities and a new environment away from home and school. You get to know new people, live with your friends and learn to cooperate with them. We do things that we can't do at school like archery and building bivouacs. Camp makes you independent because we don't have Mum or Dad doing stuff for us. We don't learn things like maths, Maori and English instead we learn about archery, orienteering, stream study and bivouacs. PLEASE don't take away camp.



Saturday, October 25, 2008

We're Back!!!

What an amazing camp the senior syndicate had!

Even though we've left Hunua behind, we've had so many special experiences that will be hard to forget.

I was so proud of the teamwork, enthusiasm, and maturity that the Room 10 children showed at camp. I know that the children must be thrilled to have achieved many of the personal goals that they set before we left.
These are a few of the hundreds of photos that were taken by teachers, parents, and children while we were at camp.

Keep an eye on the blog for the work we are doing in class to follow on from camp week.

Monday, October 20, 2008

We're Off to Camp!!

Tomorrow we leave for our camp at Hunua Falls! This morning we are reading through the final edition of the Camp Countdown and checking our gear list so that we know exactly what we need to prepare.

We're going to have a great time and lots of memorable experiences that we can tell you about when we get back.

We thought our parents and friends might like to read a farewell message from each of us, so here they are:

I will miss you all. Yonata, please don't touch my stuff. Ryan, have fun in America. See you when you get back. Yabesira, have a happy birthday on Wednesday! - Tommy

Don't worry Mum and Dad, I'll be safe with all my friends around me. - Abril

Don't worry too much Mum. Grace, don't use my darts without me. - Jay

I will miss you all. Thanks for looking after Sam, Mum. - Kartarina

I'll miss you all. Remember to feed the cat. - Ben

I'll miss you. Say hello to aunty Julie for me. - Abbey

Dear Mum and Dad, I'll miss the food you make. - Alice

I will miss you guys but don't worry because I'll be having fun. - Kavannaugh

I'll miss you mum. - Stephen

I'll miss you Mum and Dad and Hao and baby brother. - Kuan

I'll miss you all but don't worry I'll be safe even though I'm a bit nervous. - Sara

Dear Mum and Dad, I'll miss you lots. Take care of Champ for me. - Jasmika

I'll miss you all. Be safe at home. - Rebecca

Wish you were here. See you all on Friday. - Michelle

I will miss you all but don't worry too much. - Catherine

I'll miss you all, especially Daniel. - Dominic

Mum, pray for me. - Arian

Happy birthday Dad. I hope you have a nice night. - Judy

I will miss you all but don't worry, I will have a lot of fun. - Stacey

Dear Mum and Dad, don't get too sad! I'll miss you both. - Dylan

I hope Angela doesn't bug you too much while I'm gone. - Charlie

Dear Mum, hope Brian doesn't bug you too much. - James

Mum, I hope you have a great time in Australia. - Neesha

Bye, I'm off to camp. I'll miss you. - Reuben

Dad, I hope you have a great time with Josh. - Emma

Dad, I hope you have a good time in China when I'm at camp. Mum, I hope you have a great time with Rodney and Leo. - William

Hayden and Tom, take care. See you on Friday after school. - Charlotte/Mum

Friday, September 5, 2008

Judy's picture Key

This is the picture key. This is how I think this picture is related to sports. Things like the olympic rings and a medal.What do you think?

Jay's Exercise Bike

This exercise bike can make you improve your running. This running machine are the paddles. If the person runs the wheels move. Before you start running press the start button. All ready and then run!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thinkers' Key - The Picture

Friday, August 22, 2008

ryan & kuan

Our Olympic Kid Pix Work

In room 10 we have been doing some pictures to represent words, then we added captions to explain what we have drawn. Some of us did our ones on the computer. Here are two done by William and Dominic.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What has this video got to do with the Olympics?

We enjoyed watching this video of a guy called Matt dancing around the world. We discussed how the video relates to the Olympics. I suggest you watch it again. I’ve watched it a few times now and every time I notice something new!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Olympic torch

In the Olympics there is a torch that they light in the stadium. The light from the sun reflects off a mirror and goes in a bowl of oil and catches on fire and then lights the torch.

Ancient flags

There were 14 countries in the ancient Greece Olympics. The person who came first got an olive but second and third got nothing.

The Olympic medal

The Olympic medal is approximately 7 cm in diameter or 2 inches. The gold and silver must be at least 92.5 percent pure silver.The medal has the Greek Goddess Nike holding an ear of a corn and a wreath made by oliver tree leaf.

Olympic Flag!

This is the Olympic flag and logo.

The five circles represent the five
continents of the world.

Baron Pierre de Coubertin was the founder of the modern Olympics!
The flag was made in Paris and was three metres long and two metres wide!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Hi hope you've enjoyed Room 10s blog so far!

At school the seniors have been planning speeches to share with the class!
So far we have listened to a few of speeches from people in our class and they have been interesting and entertaining!
Probably we will choose the best speeches next term and they will get to share their speech with the senior syndicate.We have had lots of different speech topics like...

*power crisis
*cheer leading
*global warming
and many more!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Kavannaugh's feelings poem!

SURPRISED when I was one because at my birthday I didn’t know what was going on.

THRILLED when I was two and I had started talking because my mum couldn’t get me to be quiet.

CURIOUS when I was three and my cousin was born.

FRIGHTENED when I was four and my little brother stuck a lollipop stick in my ear.

PROUD when I was five and I got a reading trophy as big as my English book.

EXCITED when I was six and I moved to Auckland.

SCARED when I was seven and I got my ears pierced.

NERVOUS when I was eight and started playing basketball.

HAPPY when I was nine and had my birthday at the zoo.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Here is one more fantastic summer outfit!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Our Dream Bikes

This term so far we have been learning how to use similes. These are some of the Dream Bikes that people in our class have created. You can click on the bike to read the amazing similes they have used to describe their bikes.

Alice's outfit for summer

We used a game called Which Fabric? This is Alice's outfit for summer. She chose the best clothing for summer. The sun hat she chose was a cotton hat because it keeps you cool and keeps you covered. Her cotton polo shirt keeps her cool and her skirt is linen that keeps you cool in the heat. Lastly, the shoes she chose were canvas because they breathe.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Some Things we have Learned About Fabrics

  • Polyester might have been around since 1934
  • Spiders' webs are made from spiders' silk, but silk fabric is made from silkworms' silk. Silk isn't made in Africa
  • Nylon was probably first made in 1913 (February 28th) by Dr Wallis H. Carothers
  • Huge machines are used to pull the cotton into a tray which filters out the leaves and twigs before it is made into thread.

Fabric questions

We are starting to find out about fabrics and fibres. Some of the questions we're finding answers to are:

• When did people first start knitting?
• Do fabrics cause pollution?
• Is polyester a new or old fabric? Where does it come from?
• How is coal and oil used to make fabric?
• How does cotton ‘fluff’ become thread? How does it become fabric?
• Is leather a fabric? How long has leather been around for?
• Where are some fabrics made?
• What was the first fabric made?
• What are the names of fabrics?
• Who was the first to make nylon? When? How?
• How does fabric keep you warm?
• What can fabrics be made into?
• How do people make alpaca?
• What’s the best fabric to keep water out? To keep you warm?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What a fantastic design!

Have a look at the YouTube video below (click on it twice to play it).

Tonight when my family and I watched Campbell Live we were so surprised by this creative idea.

Joseph Herscher is a 23 year old who usually designs computer programmes. He spent six months building this invention on the wall of his lounge at home as part of a competition. I think it must have taken so much patience, persistence, and skill to create.

Do you think you could make something similar? (Not on your lounge wall of course!)

Monday, March 31, 2008

Our Journey Dances

This term Room 10 is making journey dances. We were practising our dances today. We are learning how to use pathways through space and learning how to work together in a group. In my group, we're doing a jungle dance.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bach - Three Word Poem

sleep, awake, pack,
awake, pack, breakfast,
pack, breakfast, car,
breakfast, car, hours,
car, hours, stop,
hours, stop, unpack,
stop, unpack, rooms,
unpack, rooms, ready,
rooms, ready, iceblock,
ready, iceblock, nap.


Cheering, yelling, screaming
The noisy crowd
Over the field.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Our First Class Photo

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Welcome to Room 10's Blog!

Hello to Room 10 children and their families,

I hope that you've had a wonderful break and have had the opportunity to enjoy the fantastic weather we've been having.

This post is the first of many throughout this year. The purpose of a class blog is to share work and talk about events happening in the school.

Feel free to post your comments giving feedback or offering your opinion.

Some points to note:

- Room 10's class swimming days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and most Fridays. Our lunchtime swimming day is Wednesday. That means you need to have your togs and towel at school every day (unless you don't wish to swim at lunchtime).

- Please look out for information coming home. There are lots of things to organise at the start of the year. Please ask your children for notices.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.